It seeks to replace fossil fuels with those that are less harmful.

The Chamber of the Textile, Clothing and Free Trade Zones Industry of El Salvador (CAMTEX) is promoting the decarbonization of the industry so that in the medium term greenhouse gas emissions are at zero.

Through its fifth sustainability forum called «The Challenge of Decarbonization, the impact of carbon footprint emissions», the textile union virtually brought together specialists from different geographical areas, who shared strategies to improve environmental efficiency in production processes.

«The industries of El Salvador have advanced and know about the benefits of implementing cleaner production practices and establishing the principles of a circular economy. To date, according to the most recent survey of our sector, 83% of companies participate in global compliance programs required by large buyers, our clients," said Patricia Figueroa, executive director of the union during the inauguration of the forum.

The textile, clothing and free zone sectors of El Salvador currently have a strategic importance in the local economy, accounting for more than 78,000 jobs at the end of last year, where 57% of its workforce is led by women. The fact of moving towards new production requirements dictated by the international market ensures its competitiveness compared to other producing countries on different continents.

One of the main presentations at the forum was given by the firm Peterson, specialized in carrying out audit, measurement and improvement processes regarding decarbonization on a global scale. Andrea Amador, project manager of the organization explained how this practice consists of reducing or eliminating all carbon gases caused by human activity, achieving net zero emissions.

"Decarbonization is achieved through the implementation of efficiency technologies and low-carbon energy sources," explained the specialist.
